Thursday, June 2, 2011


If you don't think the way you think affects the way you think, think again.  Ever heard garbage in garbage out?  What makes one an optimist and another a pessimist?  What makes one positive and one negative? Why does one see white and another black?  Job says in the Bible, "that which I have feared has come upon me".  Even when everything was going well for him, he kept telling himself, this is too good to be true.  Something will happen to take it all away.  This won't last long.  He kept having negative thoughts until Satan saw that this was a way he could destroy him.  I want to encourage you to do as the scripture says, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind".  You can change the way you think.  You have to renew your mind on how to think differently.  You have to remind it until it becomes a habit.  The sad thing that I have noticed in most people is they perform way below their potential.  Why?  They don't believe in themselves or their ability and they are paralyzed by their thought process.  They won't take a risk.  They will never be totally happy in their job.  They will look back with regrets.  Don't let this happen to you.  Begin today to see the glass half full and not half empty.  Begin to see solutions instead of problems.  Begin to see hope instead of despair.  Begin to think positive instead of negative.  YOU CAN DO IT.  CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK!!!

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