Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Conflict is part of life.  We can't escape it for long before it will catch up with us.  People try to avoid it.   They become peace makers but inside they are still holding on to the conflict.  People run from it but it will catch up with them when they are tired of running.  Then they blow up. Some seem to like conflict. Others will deal with it.  No matter what type of personality you may have, you should learn to deal with conflict.  Conflict is not bad in itself.  It's when we avoid it and let it become an issue of bitterness, hidden anger or resentment does it become wrong.  So what can you do?  First what does the Bible have to say about conflict.  "Agree with your adversary quickly."  "When you bring your gift to the altar and there remember someone has something against you (conflict), you leave your gift and go to them and try to make it right."  So here are some suggestions to remember or do.

1.  Remember, putting off addressing a conflict will only make it worse. (most times) This gives the other person the ability to tell others and gain an army seeing only their point of view.  Now it becomes harder to resolve because the conflict has gained momentum.  So... address the conflict as soon as you learn of it.
2.  All conflict is not bad.  Some great ideas, new concepts and inventions, and even new friendships are a result of conflict.
3.  Address the conflict as soon as you learn of it.
4.  Stay with the facts of the situation and do not let feelings come into the matter.
5.  As a Christian, you should make the first move.
6.  Most conflict is a communication breakdown.  You said something and they heard something else.
7.  Be polite and understanding.  Address them like you would want to be addressed.
8.  Pray that God will give insight into the situation.
9.  Bringing resolution is the mission, not being right or making a point.
10. Some may not be ready to resolve the conflict.  After trying, give them space and let God speak to them. You have done your part.
So, get your head out of the sand, address any conflict or misunderstanding you may have with someone.  You should not be carrying around unresolved conflict.  IT'S LIFE!!